Clarity Call 15 minutes
Is the Scrubs Business for me?
**Ask me 2-3 questions to determine if this is the right business for you. Please come with your questions ready and clearly stated.
Coaching Call 1 hour & 30 mins
Professionals who are ready to start the business. Need the ins and outs. May need guidance on sourcing and finding vendors. Referrals for websites, logos, etc. Ways to market an upcoming brand.
Social Media Audit-This call will help you get your social sites in order, be sure you are following the right people the right businesses…
Pages you can follow that will help grow your business and put it in front of health care workers
Useful Hashtags, apps useful for pre planning on social media and for editing and creating post. Starting with Canva.
Branding your business / Marketing your business.. keeping it professional and uniform.
Help starting social media pages
Game Plan Call 1 hour
Scrub Bosses who already have a scrub business but keep hitting roadblocks. Getting stuck on content, no strategy, wanting to give up. Not sure if your targeting the right audience? Are you pricing your items your worth? Do your new products match your previous inventory? Do you have a brand? Where is your business now and where do you want it to be? We will work out a game plan to help get your business to where you want it to be.. What are you doing wrong? What do you need help with? Is your website eye catching? Is your social media and website uniform?